Warning: Use of undefined constant wp_cumulus_widget - assumed 'wp_cumulus_widget' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/poil.dk/public_html/s/wp-content/plugins/wp-cumulus/wp-cumulus.php on line 375

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot start session when headers already sent in /var/www/poil.dk/public_html/s/wp-content/plugins/enhanced-wordpress-contactform/wp-contactform.php on line 276
Release: NBT Alpha RC4 – Simon-Shlomo Poil

A new release of the Neurophysiological Biomarker Toolbox (NBT) is available: NBT Alpha RC4

Click here to download


  • Fixes multiple minor bugs
  • Fixes bugs in nbt_import_files. It should now be easier to import files to NBT format
  • Corrected a bug in the Coherence biomarker according to comments from Vladimir Miskovic
  • Introduced new colormaps in statistics topoplots
  • nbt_import_files now supports adding channel locations for loadhandle and txt import options
  • Corrects bug loading files without age/gender information
  • Corrects NBTelements flow in nbt_selectrunstatistics
  • Corrects java heap memory error on MacOS in nbt_plot
  • Added Group plot function to plot dot plots of biomarker values.
  • Corrected time_int in nbt_doPhaseLocking, and speed up of phaselocking calculations
  • Added Dynamic Time Warping biomarker
  • Corrected a bug where the global EEGLAB variables were not initiated and cleared correctly
  • Upgrade to EEGLAB version 13.1.1b



Release: NBT Alpha RC4
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