(This is an excerpt from my master thesis: Please cite as; S.-S. Poil, Temporal correlations and criticality in models of neuronal networks, M.sc. thesis, University of Copenhagen & VU University Amsterdam, 2007 and/or link to http://www.poil.dk/s/self-organized-criticality-soc/55 ) See part 1 of “Introduction
Smart cache system for dokuwiki
To support the speed the on the NBTwiki, I have developed the smart cache plugin for dokuwiki. The smart cache pluging enable better use of the browser cache for non-logged in users. The smart cache is ‘smart’, because it automatically
Inlineeditor: An inline editor for dokuwiki
To support easy editing of NBTwiki pages, I have implemented an inline editor. The inline editor appears if the user double click the text; like this:
Introduction to self-organized criticality (SOC) – Part 1
(This is an excerpt from my master thesis: Please cite as; S.-S. Poil, Temporal correlations and criticality in models of neuronal networks, M.sc. thesis, University of Copenhagen & VU University Amsterdam, 2007 and/or link to http://www.poil.dk/s/self-organized-criticality-soc/55 ) Spatial structures with a scale