Today 18 April 2013, it is one year since we released the first version of the Neurophysiological Biomarker Toolbox (NBT).
To celebrate NBT’s release birthday, we would like to share a bit of statistics and outlook of the future.
NBT Statistics since april 2012
Downloads: NBT has been downloaded more than 590 times. 108 (18%) of these downloads came from the US.
Version control commits: 200 commits of changes (with varying sizes) have been made by NBT developers.
Publications: NBT has been cited in two research articles (see List of NBT publications). The article by Hardstone et al, 2012 was supported by a tutorial about Detrended Fluctuation Analysis on the NBTwiki (this page alone has been shown 1.862 times)
Maillist subscribers: The NBT newsletter mail-list has now 278 subscribers, our help mail list has 176 subscribers. In total 53 mails have been send through the help mail-list; solving several bugs, and providing us with helpful feedback.
Youtube: Our Youtube videos have been shown more than 4.300 times, which means more than 2.685 mins of video has been viewed. The NBTwiki (an integrated part of the NBT platform) had more than 20.555 visits leading to more than 73.781 pageviews, which means that each visitor on average see 3.59 pages. 7.633 of these visits were repeated visits.
LinkedIn: Our LinkedIn group now has 18 members. Please feel free to join, click here.
Facebook: Our Facebook page now has 30 likes. In total we had 41 likes on different pages on the NBTwiki, the most popular was our tutorial on Phase Locking with 9 likes.
Outlook for the future
NBT is in continuous development. We are currently working on new and exciting features, which we will release as soon as we have published the article about them. Furthermore, we are re-designing the NBT statistics user interface to make it much easier to use. All this we hope to release very soon.
In the meantime we would very much appreciate your feedback on NBT. Click here to go to our feedback form.